Friday, September 16, 2005

The Delusion Administration

From John Emerson at Seeing the Forest.

The brazenness of the Republican PR machine is almost impossible to describe.

After years passing out pork and presiding over the highest deficits in American history, for example, Tom Delay has just declared victory in the budget wars -- claiming that the Republicans have finally cut out all the fat.

So now Karl Rove will be free to throw as much money at the Gulf Coast as he wants to, in order to advance the Republican campign operation he's headed for so long. [my emphasis]

[. . .]

No, they're not delusional, anybody who still calls themselves a Republican is. They'll keep spouting this shit as long as someone believes them. Time for folks who still think these guys are doing a good job to drop the denial and stare reality in the face . . . before it jumps up and bites them in the ass.

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