Friday, September 30, 2005

Last throes

How many #2 guys are there in al-Qaeda anyway? John's keeping a list:

[. . .]

Below is an almost comprehensive list (I'm sure I missed a few) of Zarqawi's "top lieutenants" we've captured, killed, or acknowledged over the last two and a half years. I count 33.

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Every time I hear 'U.S. troops kill another insurgent leader', I think of the nightly body counts on Huntley-Brinkley during Vietnam. Now, if this was actually weakening the insurgency I'd say, okay something's working, but it's not:

WASHINGTON - The top U.S. commander in Iraq backed away on Wednesday from his prediction that a substantial pullout of U.S. troops could begin by next spring, as the White House undertakes a new campaign to win public support for the war effort.

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But President Out-of-Touch says:

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Bush on Wednesday sent Casey and Gen. John Abizaid, the commander of U.S. Central Command, to Capitol Hill to update lawmakers on war operations. "We're on the offense," Bush said, the two generals at his side in the Rose Garden. "We have a plan to win."

[. . .]

Reminds me of the stories my mom used to tell when she was a nurse in France during the war. At some points, they could see the Americans and British on the next hill, yet the radio from Berlin said the Germans were winning the war. I'm also reminded of Baghdad Bob, as shit's blowing up around him, insisting Iraqi troops were pushing the Americans out. My only question is, when they finally tell him the truth, will the Chimp be found on the couch in the Oval Office, in a fetal position, sucking his thumb and drooling, or are they gonna have to take him out in a straightjacket, a raving lunatic? Guys like him don't stay together when their world comes apart.

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