Wednesday, September 7, 2005

Less Gas = More Money

From The Foundation For Taxpayer And Consumer Rights:

The Foundation for Taxpayer and Consumer Rights (FTCR) today exposed internal oil company memos that show how the industry intentionally reduced domestic refining capacity to drive up profits. The exposure comes in the wake of Hurricane Katrina as the oil industry blames environmental regulation for limiting number of U.S. refineries.

The three internal memos from Mobil, Chevron, and Texaco (Click here to read the memos.) show different ways the oil giants closed down refining capacity and drove independent refiners out of business. The confidential memos demonstrate a nationwide effort by American Petroleum Institute, the lobbying and research arm of the oil industry, to encourage the major refiners to close their refineries in the mid-1990s in order to raise the price at the pump.

Looks like it worked, huh? And they're getting billions in subsidies of our tax money on top of record profits.

I gotta change my strategy: Now we have to keep Bush alive. The sonofabitch owes me money.

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