Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Moon over Nassau

Nassau County, New York that is. Got my ass in trouble today. Heh. As regular readers know our local (Republican) congessman's office is in a storefront just up the block from the shop. And as regulars also know, I moon him whenever I see him in there (I been doing it for a year and a half, since he moved his office there). So, this morning I see him pull up and get out of his car. Heh again. I put down the wrench, walk out to the sidewalk, bend over, and drop my pants. I look over my shoulder and yell, like I always do, "Hey John, you Nazi sonofabitch, come over here and kiss my ass". His secretary always laughs and waves. She can't stand him either and she likes looking at my ass but I digress.

Today, after I'm done yelling, I hear laughter from the Indian and PDB. I turn around (I'm still bent over) and guess what? I'm staring into the grille of a Nassau County police car. Great. The lady cop (whom I've known for 10 years) gets out and says, "Jesus Christ, Rich, pull up your pants". More raucous laughter from the shop.

So of course I say, "what's the problem, officer?" Turns out she too likes the way my ass looks, but the Republican sonofabitch is threatening to press charges now. So, I made a deal with the cop that I'd just give the Neocon prick the finger from now on or she'd have to bust me for public lewdness. Of course, this afternoon I went over there and stuck an 'I think with the Alternate Brain' bumper sticker on his car. Wonder how long it is before he notices.

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