Sunday, September 4, 2005

No more

Exactly. From AMERICAblog:

Democrat or Republican, Congress should reject ANY nominee that the President sends them. Why? George Bush has proven time and again an inability to select the right people for the right job.

As we've seen domestically with deadly, horrifying results, in the President's choices for key security jobs post 9/11, political patronage was more important than competence with Bush. From Secretary of Homeland Security Chertoff, FEMA Director Brown, and especially Patrick Rhode, the Deputy Director of FEMA, the President is incapable of selecting competent personnel for key posts. He chooses political cronies and yes-men over competence EVERY SINGLE TIME. Overseas we've seen incompetence compounded by ignorance, with the President choosing to listen to yes-Generals over more sober military leaders.

[. . .]

Bipartisanship? Puh! The Repubs should get nothing from here on out until this President is history. Do I care the Supremes are two down now? No. Do I care if there is stalemate in Congress? No. A gridlocked government at this point is far better than anything that's come out of there in 'bipartisan' fashion over the past four years. Any Dem who cooperates with Repubs on anything from now on can consider my vote lost.

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