Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Opening salvoes?

Via Ol' Froth:

WASHINGTON, Sept. 19 - A senior White House budget official who resigned abruptly last week was arrested Monday on charges of lying to investigators and obstructing a federal inquiry involving Jack Abramoff, the Republican lobbyist who has been under scrutiny by the Justice Department for more than a year.

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One step closer to DeLay?


Jo Fish:

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Words that ring hollow when the top guy in charge of all money being spent is about to be indicted for various and sundry things related to being fundamentally honest. Not just any guy...the TOP guy in the money giving-out process. Another crony caught. The FBI has to be on the 1600 Crew shitlist right around now... I guess they didn't get the "leave the cronies alone" memo from Rove's office. [my em]

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