Thursday, September 8, 2005

Que Ironico Es?

Houston Chronicle

Laden with humanitarian aid for the victims of Hurricane Katrina, a Mexican military unit crossed into U.S. territory today.

Carrying nearly 200 unarmed soldiers, doctors, nurses and engineers, the convoy of dozens of trucks entered Texas at Laredo this morning with mobile kitchens, water treatment plants, bottled water, blankets and canned food for people displaced by Katrina.

Bottled water? From Mexico? Bwahahahaha! Kaopectate too, I hope!

Some Mexican commentators have pointed out the irony of Mexico sending troops to territory it once owned. But Mexican officials have played down that angle.
Mexico also has sent a naval vessel laden with boats and other equipment to the mouth of the Mississippi River near Biloxi, Miss.

Why do I get the feeling that Gulf Coast residents are going to have their pick of nice Mexican trucks to drive around in? And that there might be 200 sets of abandoned Mexican Army uniforms found lying around?

In all seriousness, I find it commendable that a nation of poor people is coming to the aid of poor people in a rich country. Muchas gracias, mis amigos y hermanos.

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