Tuesday, September 6, 2005

RS3M Spins Up...

Pretty much negating my last post, the Repubs done floored it and popped the clutch. From the Pensito Review, via Mike the Hawk.

Predictably, the Bush message-meisters are launching a trademark hardball, all-politics-all-the-time campaign to rewrite the events of last week to so that the administration's worst week becomes someone else's fault, and someone else's problem.
Of course, if the media refuses to be supine to Rove's campaign, he can use the trustiest arrow in his quiver of dirty tricks - the old bromide of liberal media bias. Ascribing criticism in the media has worked reliably for the GOP for two decades because the myth has become gospel to millions of Americans.

But the media have a weapon on their side that they have been reluctant to use against the GOP barrage - and maybe they'll be motivated this time to bring this powerful force to bear. The weapon is the facts in the case. FEMA screwed up. The aid was demonstrably not forthcoming when it was needed. The buck stops at the top. Period.

Oh, sure. Bush's slimiest machine, besides Rove himself of course, is his buck-deflector, which inexorably pushes the buck-stop outwards and downwards. I think Bush gets away with a lot because people don't believe a president could be such a chronic whiner. Now hear this: he is.

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