Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Shocked II

Remember my post the other day when I said this?

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I don't laugh at the acts themselves. They are heinous and horrible and those perpetrating them should be prosecuted, period. I just laugh at those who are shocked by them, shocked they occur, mostly those from our blogging community and activists. I laugh because none of them have been in combat. I laugh at all of you who have no idea what combat is all about, yet cringe in horror and scream with outrage when these stories come out.

[. . .]

More surprise, related to BL's post:

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My first conscious reaction was "everybody should see these" (hold your horses, gentle reader, read on before you do). To paraphrase John at AmericaBlog, this is what war looks like. It's not like the movies, not some at all, to use a Louisiana expression I learned this weekend at dKos. [my em]

[. . .]

Why in Hell do all you people think I yell and scream about taking war so lightly? Yes, please, all of you, take Shystee's advice and look at what war does, how people die. I especially want all the Dems who were pro-war to see it because you are the ones who should be ashamed of yourselves for giving President Fucknuts a blank check to perpetrate this horror on the Iraqis. You are more to blame than he because you should know better.

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