Sunday, September 4, 2005


The Mrs. and I are sitting here, waiting for the NASCAR race to kick off, and we are (of course) talking about the New Orleans horror. Mrs. F came up with the perfect thing for Bush to have done, had he any sechel.

Bush has 1600 acres in Crawford, right? What say, instead of running around, letting McCain blow him, playing guitar, whatever, what if he told the head of FEMA this:

"Hey, Mikey, I got 1600 acres here in Crawford. Tell the Army to set up tents on 1500 of 'em. However many refugees can fit, bring 'em here. They can stay at my place until we get them settled. Get it done now."

How much you wanna bet his approval rating would hit 90% two seconds after he made the announcement? How much 'political capital' would the stupid, smirking chimp get from that? Instead, he fiddled while NOLA died. Thank you, God, he doesn't have anybody as smart as my wife advising him.

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