Thursday, September 15, 2005

So long for a while...maybe

Me 'n Mrs. G are heading out for a little road trip. She's in a position that is required by law to take two weeks off in a row to see if there's a spike in the books. Like, to see if the joint starts making a profit while she's gone. We'll be gone eight or nine days.

We're heading for Santa Fe, New Mexico. We like to look at different-colored dirt and rocks. There'll be plenty, no doubt.

I think I've got my laptop to where I can post along the way. I want to, just to see if it actually works. We will see. If it does, you'll be hearing from me sooner. If it doesn't, you'll be hearing from me later.

Thanks to all of you who helped me with hints and tips. If nothing else, I know to keep the Cholula away from the keyboard and not to take mini-Hal in the swimming pool.

Hasta luego, amigos.

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