Friday, September 23, 2005

Strategy . . . or the lack thereof

The lovely Pudentilla:

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Could we have a few commercials now with a theme like, "Let's Make America Work Again." Perhaps making the following points, 1) we've been in tougher corners (photo images of hoovervilles maybe); 2) we've always triumphed over every adversity we faced by pulling together (stock photos); and 3) sharing the sacrifices the nation has to make for the common good of all Americans (newspaper headlines on DeLay insisting on estate tax cuts; pictures of the Superdome); and 4) requiring our leaders to demonstrate competence and accountability (pictures of old "heck of a job" and il Ducetto).

[. . .]

She's laid out wonderful talking points, but I don't think there's one Dem with the testicles to do it. Jesus Christ, there are still Dems who believe in giving President Inept Failure the benefit of the doubt. Why do I think we'll manage to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory in '06 and '08. I mean, like Shakes says:

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I don't know about you, but I invested time, energy, and money into the Democratic Party during the last election, and I'm not getting much of a return on my investment. In fact, lately I've been feeling like the party to whom I've been loyal for my entire life is giving me the finger.

The confirmations of Condi Rice, Alberto Gonzales, and Michael Chertoff ... the slow response to broaching voting accountability legislation ... the passage of a measure to limit class-action lawsuits ... the bankruptcy bill ... the constant move toward the center ... and on and on and on. I complain about the idiocy of the Dems almost as much as I do the Republicans, and I'm starting to get more than a little pissed off.

[. . .]

I've about had it with the wimpy bastids we send to Washington. I don't think we need guys like me there, but guys like George Galloway MP (too bad he's a Brit) who can call bullshit and tell them to go fuck themselves without actually saying it that way. Is it time for a third party? Time for a true 'opposition party'? It sure looks to me like the Democrats ain't cutting it. Our representatives are a bunch of pussies.

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