Thursday, September 29, 2005

Thursday Cattle Dog Blogging (Bonus)

Shayna here. The old man is busy painting before the old lady gets home from Jesusland so he can clean up a little. I hate it when he has to sleep in my bed.

Anyway, the old man has been muttering the whole time (it turned into yelling when the President and that guy they called the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court came on and he put his hand on that book the old man hates). He was yelling something like 'turncoat Democrats can kiss my ass'. He'll be happy to see his friend Travis has a list of those Democrats who voted against John Roberts' confirmation. He'll also be happy to see both his New York senators gave the 'thumbs-down'. Speaking of thumbs, the old man isn't as far up the evolutionary food chain as he thinks he is. I didn't need thumbs to blog!

Hi Harry, wink woof!

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