Saturday, September 17, 2005


As most regulars know, I refuse to go to wingnut sites. I just get too pissed off and it torques my sphincter to give them a hit. Fortunately there's Pam, who would deserve a Medal of Freedom for going to these places, were the MoF not so devalued by Chimpy's giving it to Tenet and Bremer.

So, I'm over at Big Brass Blog for my daily visit and I see this post by Pam with her usual section with quotes from the Freepers. They're getting more hateful by the day.

"If everyone in your town feels the same way. Just act like they aren't there. Act like they're invisible. Everybody. Do it long enough and the nature of the attention starved negro will come out in such ways to deserve arrest, but none will be able to blame Whitey."

"Yea man, I know how you feel. The little town that I live in which is in Utah is 98% white at least, and now we have these blacks being moved here . Im not saying all of them, but the majority of them are low life druggie criminals who live off of welfare. I would also like to know what to do."

"So far none here in north Indiana, coons don't like the cold. I'm buying some guns to prepare myself for them, I'm sure some will make it up here."

"115 due to land in Tucson this morning! Time to print out my listing of the dangers these negroes will face in this area of the Sonoran Desert and infiltrate the leaflets in their Welcome Wagon handouts."

"Unless these niggers get krystaaal and fried chicken, they will start rioting and raping whites. If they do get their demands, they will still rape and kill, just not riot as much."

This is America in the 21st Century. Thing is, much as I revile these people, I pity them too. To have such closed minds must be painful. I can imagine their torment. That doesn't mitigate the fact I'd like to throw them all a serious beating and knock some sense into them. Hateful motherfuckers. I did see a glimmer of hope in one quote though.

"Believe it or not, we called the local Klan about 2 weeks ago, and they actually admitted that they don't do anything anymore, because they are broke...."

I hope they all go broke.

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