Sunday, September 4, 2005

What a dickhead 2

Orrin Hatch proves it once again. He was on Little George this morning and TT caught it.

"The state government wasn't very well prepared, and the city wasn't well prepared. They're ten feet below sea level. They should have known that these things could happen."

His ass is so stretched from letting Chimpy fuck it, they're gonna have to sleeve him like the cylinders of a worn out engine block.

By the way, George Will and Cokie Roberts are sucking Chimpy's cock too. Fuck these idiots.

George is over and that big ass loudmouth is on, and I'm noticing something. The self-hating colon cowboy and Bobo Brooks are starting to turn on Bush, though they are prattling on inanely. Sully is screeching for 'more troops' and an 'expanded military' (Bobo's just doing his bobblehead impersonation) to deal with these disasters. Hello, Andy, the Chimp's fucked the military over with the Iraq war. The war you screamed so loudly in favor of. You know how you expand the military (most importantly the National Guard) now? It's called a fucking DRAFT.

On Press the Meat Timmy's reaming Chertoff .060 oversize. Timmy's actually shouting at him. Yeah! Nice to see you grow some balls, fat boy.

And one more thing. I don't ask God for much, nothing in fact, but just once I'd like the Big Guy to arrange for me to meet up with Tony Blankley in a dark alley.

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