Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Air Force weenies

This should be good:

Straining to find ground troops to maintain its force levels in Iraq and Afghanistan, the Pentagon has begun deploying thousands of Air Force personnel to combat zones in new jobs as interrogators, prison sentries and gunners on supply trucks.

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Individual branches have spent decades carving out unique roles within the U.S. military, and Air Force officials insist that the redeployment of its personnel is temporary. Nonetheless, the reassignments come as another sign that the Pentagon is struggling to meet the demands of what military officials have begun calling "the long war."

[. . .]

I wonder what Abu Ghraib-esque shenanigans will go on after they send these new 'interrogators' out, after what amounts to a crash course at Huachuca, and tell them to "make 'em talk". Knowing the Air Force as I do, they'll probably fuck the prisoners to death

[. . .]

The changes within the Air Force, even if temporary, run counter to Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld's overall vision of the military as a lighter, faster and more lethal force that relies on technology and efficiency to accomplish national security goals more quickly.

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Fucking Rummy's vision. Rummy don't know enough to have a vision or he wouldn't have gotten us into this stupid fucking war to begin with.

Hat tip: Wanker Scott

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