Sunday, October 23, 2005

Bullshit on parade

Propaganda Kommissar Karen Hughes (whom the Alternate Brain designates as the most unfuckable woman in the world) is still trying to spread the Chimp administration's bullshit throughout the Islamic world. Ain't working:

JAKARTA, Indonesia - Karen Hughes, who has faced a rocky road since being named Washington's public relations chief, answered tough questions Friday about the invasion of Iraq and wrongly stated that Saddam Hussein gassed to death "hundreds of thousands" of his people.

Although the U.S. undersecretary for public diplomacy twice repeated the claim after being challenged by journalists, Gordon Johndroe, a State Department official traveling with Hughes, later called The Associated Press to say she misspoke.

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When is the chimpette gonna realize, the rest of the world ain't like the U.S.; people don't believe shit just because you say it's so.

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One student said the Sept. 11 attacks on the United States should be taken as a warning to America for interfering in the affairs of other countries. Another compared Bush to Hitler.

"Your policies are creating hostilities among Muslims," student Lailatul Qadar told Hughes. "It's Bush in Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine, and maybe it's going to be in Indonesia, I don't know. Who's the terrorist? Bush or us Muslims?"

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Yep, sure winning those hearts and minds, aren't ya.

Hat tip: Maru

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