Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Bush's Gusher Finally Came In...

Comedian Harry Shearer said the other day that "Bush spent his whole life drillin' dry holes. Looks like he finally found his gusher in Harriet Miers." I've got way too much class to wonder about how dry her...

Anyway, Uniongrrl asks the burning question, "Is it just me? Or is Maureen Dowd having WAAAAAAY too much fun with the Harriet Miers' nomination?"

Since there is no breathtaking Miers judicial record to pore over, I was eager to read more breathless Miers missives to a president she describes as the most brilliant man she has ever met. How could I get the notes from the White House, given how opposed Mr. Bush is to leaks? I called Scooter and Karl and they sent the secret documents right over.

August 2001 "Thank you so much for letting me bundle up and drag away the brush that you cut down today. And if I might add, Sir, I've never seen a man wield the nippers so judiciously. It was awesome! You are the best brush cutter ever!!"

January 2003 "Just a quick note to say how cool it is that you picked Brownie to head FEMA. There's nothing like having someone you know and trust in a top job. Your gut is the best judge ever!!"

April 2004 "There is no other president who would have had the courage to allow torture, dude! (It's only too bad that Abu Ghraib rules out Alberto's chances of getting on the Supreme Court.) You are the best torturer ever!! xo, H."

October 2005 "How can I thank you, Sir? I never, ever expected the Supreme Court. Phat! I hope Clarence doesn't make me watch 'Debbie Does Dallas' again. That movie is so anti-Texas! I miss you already!!

MoDo's a hoot! Go read the rest.

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