Thursday, October 13, 2005

Conservative Crackup

Howard Fineman

President George W. Bush may have no military exit strategy for Iraq, but the "necons" who convinced him to go to war there have developed one of their own - a political one: Blame the Administration.

Their neo-Wilsonian theory is correct, they insist, but the execution was botched by a Bush team that has turned out to be incompetent, crony-filled, corrupt, unimaginative and weak over a wide range of issues.

The flight of the neocons - just read a recent Weekly Standard to see what I am talking about - is one of only many indications that the long-predicted "conservative crackup" is at hand.

The "movement" - that began 50 years ago with the founding of Bill Buckley's National Review; that had its coming of age in the Reagan Years; that reached its zenith with Bush's victory in 2000 - is falling apart at the seams.

'Bout fuckin' time, too. Go read the rest. Trust me (where have I heard that before?), you'll like it.

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