Saturday, October 15, 2005

Conspiracy theories

I think Lambert puts his finger directly on it:

[. . .]

The Times hasn't mentioned the [White House Iraq Group] W.H.I.G. because they were part of the W.H.I.G. disinformation campaign. In Traitorgate, Valerie Plame was outed to protect that operation, because the Niger uranium story was one of the stories that W.H.I.G. planted. (Remember the crude forgery of mysterious provenance that the yellowcake story was based on?)

And the reason it seems like they were all in on it, is that they were all in on it. All the Kewl Kidz, and all the media whores. The whole Beltway 500 crowd is dirty. (Not you, Dan Froomkin, and not you, Walter Pincus.)

[. . .]

This is the most plausible explanation so far of why the press caved when it came to anything the Chimp did.


ReddHedd at Jane's also looks at the WHIG relating to the Agency. I touched on this the other day too.


Stolen from Atrios:

Reading Reddhead's walk down the yellowcake road I'm struck by something - exactly why was it so necessary to "get" Wilson? It can't simply be the simply be about the "sixteen words" in the SOTU speech. It must be what all that pointed to - where those obviously forged documents came from... [my em]

It's all coming together beautifully. (sniff)

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