Friday, October 7, 2005

Da Subway or Cry Wolf

(New York - WABC, October 6, 2005) - The New York City police are responding to what they are considering a credible threat to the subway system. Mayor Michael Bloomberg appeared at a news conference alongside Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly in which they announced a bombing threat and said it was the most specific they had ever received to date.

Bloomberg says the FBI has shared the information with city officials, and is asking the public to be vigilant.

[. . .]

Ya see what all those terror alerts (notice we haven't had one since the elections last year; notice the NYC mayoral elections are this year) did? Ain't nobody gives a shit. My wife, who rides the Subway from Pennsylvania Station to the World Trade Center (the station is up and running again) and back every day, a woman who's been bombed and shot at almost as much as me, doesn't give a shit. And if I got out at the station (as opposed to slowing down to 30 and making her jump like I usually do, heh) in a few minutes and asked her fellow commuters, they wouldn't give a shit neither.

Mr. Bush, Mr. Bloomberg, and all the rest of you idiot politicians, do you see what you've done to the warning system that was questionable to begin with? Ain't nobody gives a shit. At least nobody who's affected directly gives a shit. Those warmongering idiots in Jesusland will get all fired up, just like they did on 9/11, using our tragedy to push their agenda, but commuting New Yorkers don't care, they got work to do. They also don't believe anything that comes out of Washington anymore. They could change the terror threat to red and we wouldn't believe it. Know why? Because you've cried wolf too many times.

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