Monday, October 10, 2005

Fixer & Gordon - You're Tagged

Anyone else want to join? Here's mine:

Name five of your idiosyncrasies:

1. I am generally sloppy. By this I mean that if the house doesn't look like it walked out of Better Homes and Gardens - I don't get too bent.
2. I cannot stand clutter. Keeping in mind #1 above, if things get so sloppy that I'm stubbing my toe, navigating around piles of stuff, or slipping on a magazine and ending up on my butt - then I get cranky. So the house may not be perfect - but you will not see any of the aforementioned examples.
3. Books have to be in the bookcase in alphabetical order, period. Or else I get irritated.
4. I don't liked to be talked to when I get home from work. Just give me 3 minutes please - before you start to dump all of the trials and tribulations of the day on me. Three minutes won't hurt - honest.
5. If my night table looks cluttered and sloppy - leave it alone. It's my clutter. It's my slop. Feel free, however, to take the dirty dishes to the kitchen if you feel so inclined.

So that's my little list. Now I'm tagging Hibiscusroto, and The Alternate Brain.

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