Friday, October 21, 2005

Get over yourselves

Rude Pundit:

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See, the Rude Pundit has said before, "freedom of religion" is also "freedom from religion." In other words, on your own fuckin' time, you can worship your Jesuses (whatever flavor of Christ you worship), you can be Allah-rific, you can pretend you understand the Kabbalah, you can get all nekkid and dance around yer goddess fire. There's your freedom. Enjoy. But you start to tell me shit like "I won't fill it. It's my right not to fill it" when it's your fuckin' job to fill my prescription? Then you (and any company that supports you) is engaging in a discriminatory practice as sure as a Denny's refusing to seat black people.

And until they open up "Scrips Fer Jesus" stores where God's druggists can do his will, just shut the fuck up, suck it up, and gimme my drugs.

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Since Target is now hiring pharmacists who can refuse to do their jobs, I guess Target will have to live without the custom of those who prefer a competent staff instead of a moralistic one. I hope your next quarter reflects the thought that perhaps it would have been better to serve your customers than to hire those whose little feelings get in the way of doing the job.

[. . .]

I do a buncha shit at work every day that I don't like, but that's life. The day it gets to the point I feel I have to refuse to do my job is the day I find another one. Get over yourselves, you idiots, or get another job.

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