Saturday, October 29, 2005

Happy Fitznukkah, Everybody!

Al Franken in The HuffPo

That's right -- it isn't a one-day holiday like Fitzmas. This could go on and on. One day a great gift like Libby, the next day a pair of socks (Ari Fleischer), the next day, who knows: maybe an Xbox 360 (Karl Rove)! Maybe this can be dragged out until the 2006 midterms.

Anyway. Boy, did he lie! Wow. That. Is lying. Hoo boy.

And how about Rove telling the press he was going to have a great Friday and a great weekend? They can't even not lie about what kind of weekend they're going to have.

I hope the words to a song from my youth (Yes, we had songs then), Charlie Brown, are coursing through all the heads in the White House:

"He's gonna get caught,
Just you wait 'n see.
"Why's ever'body always pickin' on me?"

It ain't over.

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