Friday, October 28, 2005

Hey! He really can talk!

I just watched Mr. Fitzgerald's press conference in the wake of the indictment. I'll sum up his basic statement briefly in my own inimitable style:

"We done run ol' Scooter's ass up fer lyin' his ass off four times an' tryin' to keep us from gettin' to the bottom of this shit one time." Breaking into a big smile, "Other than thet, all y'all fourth estaters kin go piss up a rope!"

This is the first time I've ever heard him speak at any length up close and personal. That guy is smart! He thinks fast, and talks fast and well. He stuck to the point at hand. He plays his cards so close to his vest you could probably read 'em through his shirt from behind.

I got a distinct impression from watching him of Michael Moriarty's character on the early Law & Order. Only with more hair.

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