Friday, October 28, 2005

Not enough....

Yahoo News

Vice presidential adviser I. Lewis "Scooter' Libby Jr. was indicted Friday on charges of obstruction of justice, making a false statement and perjury in the CIA leak case.
The five-count indictment accuses Libby of lying about how and when he learned about CIA official Valerie Plane's identity in 2003 and then told reporters about it. The information was classified.

Any trial would shine a spotlight on the secret deliberations of Bush and his team as they built the case for war against Iraq.

I hear from the TV in the next room that he has resigned.

He'll probably cop a plea to keep the lid on the falsified data that led the administration to lie us into Bush's criminal war. I doubt it will go to trial, but you never know. If it does, Libby's life might be in danger.

I'm disappointed that this was the only indictment, but I'm glad they got one of the sonsabitches anyway. The investigation continues.

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