Saturday, October 29, 2005

Not far enough

Via the Alternate Brain Mail Bag from Crystal Patterson of Senator Kennedy's office:

This Indictment Is Not the End
Senator Edward M. Kennedy

Today's an ominous day for the country, a new low since Watergate in terms of openness and honesty in our government.

This indictment is far more than an indictment of one individual. It's an indictment of the lengths to which Administration officials were willing to go to cover up their failed intelligence. It's an indictment of their distortions about Iraq's weapons of mass destruction and their serious blunders taking us to war and their vindictive efforts to discredit anyone who challenges their misrepresentations.

As we know, Scooter Libby and Vice President Cheney withheld critical documents in the Senate's investigation of the use and misuse of intelligence and the abuse of power in the decision to go to war and in the management of the war.

These documents must be handed over, because the American people deserve answers.

That is why I'm urging the White House to hand over those documents
-- and asking you to join me in doing so. We need as many Americans as possible to join us in the next few days to show the White House that we are not letting this indictment be the end.

Click here to show this is not the end.

Cheney, Libby Blocked Papers To Senate Intelligence Panel - The National Journal, October 27, 2005

Unfortunately, in order to keep an investigation going, there will have to be a Dem majority in Congress. We all know Fitzgerald's deal is done and no more indictments will come down. Rove will skate, the Chimp will skate, and they still have 3 more years to fuck this country to hell.

You don't think the press will investigate any further, do you? This whole Plame affair showed how deeply owned by the White House the press actually is. Pardon me, but I can't get as happy as everybody else over this. It should have gone farther. Say what you will about Fitz, but he must have seen a boatload of evidence pointing to the dishonesty of the Chimp administration during the run up to Iraq. If all he can do is indict Libby on perjury and obstruction charges, the status quo remains intact. Libby will become the Abu Ghraib-esque 'bad apple' and that will be the end of it.

Nothing has changed and nothing will change until this time next year. That is, if the Dems can manage to break the Repub hold on the Congress. Also too much to hope for in my book. I hope I'm wrong, but as the Repubs are crooks, the Dems are inept.

Maybe it is time to do a little apartment shopping while we're in Paris.

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