Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Raucous laughter

That must be what's happening in Damascus right now:

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Bush also repeated U.S. warnings to Syria that it should do more to stop foreign fighters from crossing its border into Iraq.

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Yo, Dicknose, you don't have the troops to warn Syria about anything. You're barely keeping Iraq together.

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Bush underscored warnings given last month to Syria by Zalmay Khalilzad, the U.S. ambassador to Baghdad, who said "patience is running out with Syria" for failing to stop foreign fighters from crossing over into Iraq.

[. . .]

Whatcha gonna do, bleed on me?

Do the Neocons actually believe anyone takes them seriously? Mark my words, if the Chimp goes after Syria, or Iran for that matter, shit's gonna start blowing up over here on a regular basis. Hopefully the scandals and future indictments neuter these assholes so they can't take 'pre-emptive action' anywhere else.

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