Monday, October 3, 2005


I might as well weigh in on that woman . . . Ms. Miers. Xan said it plainly:

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This is clearly a snow job. Miers will never sit on the Supreme Court, but while we're going through the high theatrics necessary to block her, attention will be turned away from Frist, DeLay, the wreckage of the Federal bureaucracy and the rampant theft and cronyism that is at the heart of the Scandal-Plagued Bush Administration.

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However, ya think Harry Reid coulda waited at least 24 hours without rolling over and playing dead?

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"I like Harriet Miers," said Reid, who voted against John Roberts as U.S. chief justice last week. "In my view, the Supreme Court would benefit from the addition of a justice who has real experience as a practicing lawyer."

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Jesus H. Christ, the Chimp's spittle was still wet and warm on the microphone, Harry. Couldn't ya have said 'we'll think about it'? How in Hell ya gonna filibuster her now? Or are ya just gonna cave like you did with Roberts? There's a good side though:

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"It is very hard to avoid the conclusion that
President Bush flinched from a fight on constitutional philosophy," said William Kristol, editor of the Weekly Standard magazine. "Her selection will unavoidably be judged as reflecting a combination of cronyism and capitulation on the part of the president."

Manny Miranda, head of a conservative coalition called The Third Branch Conference, said Miers was "the most unqualified choice" for the high court since Lyndon Johnson tried to make Abe Fortas chief justice in 1968.

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At least the right wing nitwits are pissed too. Who knows, our best hope is maybe the Republicans will filibuster.

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