Sunday, October 30, 2005

Smoking Guns and Red Herrings - A Prosecutor Considers Libby's Indictment

While you're at TomDispatch, read this one by California Girl Elizabeth de la Vega too.

The Grand Jury supervised by U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald has returned an indictment charging Vice President Dick Cheney's top aide and reputed "alter-ego" I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby with perjury, obstruction of justice, and false statements to the grand jury. But this indictment does not end the story; rather, a close reading suggests that these charges are most likely merely a chapter in a long and tragic story. Here, from a former federal prosecutor, are thoughts about four things we should expect, four things we shouldn't, and one question we should all be asking.

Excellent overview and deep crystal-ball gaze. Read.

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