Thursday, October 13, 2005

What more to say?


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Reading this account of a conference call with rat-faced, chinless GOP shill Ken Mehlman, it occurs to me that a miraculous thing has happened: apparently, not nominating a firebreathing lunatic who explicitly vows to overturn Roe v. Wade and roll back most New Deal legislation has caused rank-and-file conservatives to begin to doubt the word and/or judgment of the President (by the way, have fun battling the crazies like James Dobson and Pat Robertson on this one).

Congratulations, it only took y'all about 4.75 years of wanton fiscal management, cronyism, broken promises, infantile happy-talk about foreign policy, multiple scandals involving members of the White House and Republican leadership, failure to utilize the veto, deepening debt, rampant corporate welfare, and unfulfilling lip service to your pet prejudices to drive that particular point home. Sorry you're abandoning a rotten, derelict ship of state at such a late point in time; most of us abandoned any hope of a financially sound country operating in any sane manner years ago.

[. . .]

All I can add is, in the future I hope people will use the 'Bush Era' as a lesson about how bad things can get when incompetents and crooks rule the roost. Unfortunately, I think it will get worse before it gets better. Desperate men resort to desperate measures, and I'm getting a whiff of desperation on the wind blowing north from D.C.

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