Tuesday, October 4, 2005

What's next ? Diebold?

New York Times

BAGHDAD, Iraq, Oct. 3 - Iraq's Shiite and Kurdish leaders quietly adopted new rules over the weekend that will make it virtually impossible for the constitution to fail in the coming national referendum.

The move prompted Sunni Arabs and a range of independent political figures to complain that the vote was being fixed.
Under the new rules, the constitution will fail only if two-thirds of all registered voters - rather than two-thirds of all those actually casting ballots - reject it in at least three of the 18 provinces.
In effect, the new interpretation makes not voting a show of support for the constitution and runs against the apparent intent of the law.

Do I want Iraq to fail? No.

Do I want them to succeed by cheating by using similar tactics as Republicans have used in elections here? No.

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