Sunday, October 2, 2005

You're too happy

Listen up, Lefties [and I include myself]. You're all far too happy over this DeLay thing. About everything. Fitzgerald's probe of the Plame case, Frist's Martha Stewart-esque troubles, the Chimp's mishandling of Katrina and Iraq going into the dumper; we seem to have an astrological confluence of events resembling a 'perfect storm'. I have reservations.

I have serious reservations about the common sense of my fellow Americans. I used to think even the most myopic of us could see the blatant patterns of corruption, the hallmarks of the Republican Party. After 2000 and again in 2004, the majority of my fellow Americans have let me down and I have no reason to believe the Congressional elections of '06 will change much of anything.

I hope and pray I'm wrong, but Jesus Christ, I don't think folks will wake up; not as long as Fox News continues to be the highest rated news network. Not as long as the Democratic Party takes this limp-wristed approach with their opposition. Not as long as companies like Diebold continue to receive contracts to supply voting machines. As I said, I hope I'm wrong.

Maybe the DeLay indictment might put pressure on others to open up. Maybe Frist will be indicted. Maybe Rove and Scooter Libby too. But I think they'll weasel out of this instead and I think the American people, with their 10 minute attention spans, will forget all about these scandals over the next 13 months.

Instead, one of the Repub spinmiesters will come up with some half-assed tag that will stick wth the Dems until the election. Remember the Swift Boating of John Kerry? Ladies and gentlemen, think what you will of John Kerry, but a decorated combat vet was smeared with his own record by a draft dodger. Think about it. Then think about what they will do in '06, probably the most desperate time for the Republican majority in Congress. For if they lose the House or the Senate, or both, there's a good chance God's Chosen President will be impeached soon after. Do you think they will let scandal stop them?

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