Wednesday, November 9, 2005

8 Up, 8 Down

Here's the LATimes headline on our election results:

No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No

Two good articles in the same paper about how Ah-nold's plans to sell California didn't quite pan out, here and here. Some of it is pretty funny.

When he said he was going after the "Special Interests", I thought that was OK. Until he defined "Special Interests" as Teachers, Nurses, and Firefighters. Then, not so much.

He held the special election because, historically, voter turnout is low at special elections, most of the turnout is usually in favor of whatever scam is on the ballot. It's a time-honored trick. Didn't work this time.

The other propositions were pretty much corporate and fundie wedge bullshit as well, and they were rejected.

So, fifty-plus million dollars later, nothing changes. Zero. Nada. Zip-point-shit. Bupkis. Arnie, you should write a check for the full amount and give it to our state treasurer, next Governor Phil Angelides.

It mighta worked in Kansas, Muscle Boy, but not here.

Congratulations to the voters in the other states who did the right thing. It's a good start.


The CA Secretary of State's final returns.

And this, from Cursor:

At a Trader Vic's in the same hotel where Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger addressed supporters after all of his ballot proposals failed, "giddy nurses" reportedly "formed a conga line and danced around the room, singing, 'We're the mighty, mighty nurses.'"

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