Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Bush gets horse-bombed, wants to bomb Aljazeera...

After reading BaltimoreLenore's post, and one about Bush in Mongolia, I put two and two together and got five:

Looks like Bush, aka "the horse fluffer", is getting closer to what he really wants from horses. WaPo:

Gone from Mr. Bush's face was the let's-get-on-with-it look he had at Gigkakuji, the famed temple he visited in Kyoto, Japan. He talked with the warriors and stepped around camels and yaks to make his way into a quite luxurious ger. Sitting by a wood-burning stove, he chatted with a family of herders. (The Mongolian government says the herders were the real thing, but they live 100 miles out of town, and were brought in to lend some authenticity to the small village erected for Mr. Bush's benefit.) The president sipped a bit of fermented mare's milk (my bold), nibbled on some cheese curd and listened to some throat singing.

Time on fermented mare's milk:

Bring appetite enough for thick, yak-milk yogurt, cheese and marmot meat hot from a dung-fired stove. Try fermented cow's or mare's milk. After a bowl or two, you'll be ready to invade Europe yourself.

Another bowl and he'll want to bomb Aljazeera:
US President George Bush planned to bomb Aljazeera, British newspaper the Daily Mirror has reported, citing a Downing Street memo marked top secret.

The five-page transcript of a conversation between Bush and British Prime Minister Tony Blair reveals that Blair talked Bush out of launching a military strike on the station, unnamed sources told the daily.

From the Daily Mirror:
THE Daily Mirror was yesterday told not to publish further details from a top secret memo, which revealed that President Bush wanted to bomb an Arab TV station.

This is amazing: Bush gets loaded on some local 'shine in Mongolia, nuts up on Aljazeera, and has to have Blair talk him down out of the tree!

Take it one more step, Georgie: bring back the secret to them dung-fired stoves in Mongolia. You're full of enough dung all by yourself to solve our energy dependence problem.

It's been a long day. I told ya it might get sappy!

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