Tuesday, November 8, 2005

Cheney Regime - chock full o' Authors

First there was Darth Cheney's wife, author of the Lesbian-Western "Sisters", now Scooter Libbey is out of the author closet with "The Apprentice" (which has not a thing to do with Donald Trump).

"The Apprentice" seems to be representative of the GOP innner circle of moral on the outside (to the gullible evangelical "wackos") while being more depraved on the inside than most of the Left. Here's a few quotes from readers at Amazon:

"Thank god this book is out of print."

"Why is it necessary for "authors" to go to such lengths to shock the reader? Did the pornography in this book add to the plot? No. This guy gives Laurell K. Hamilton a run for her money in the porn without plot department."

"Not as riveting as My Pet Goat, but just as much a looser."

And my personal favorite:
"Any review that omits the "10-year-old girl in a cage raped by a bear" is extremely disingenuous, as is the author. This is an illumination of a perverted mind. No wonder "Scooter" had/has no problem with bombing the youthful population of Iraq."

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