Saturday, November 26, 2005

Darwin and Evolution Controversy continues

From the Telegraph:

The Darwin exhibition frightening off corporate sponsors

The Darwin exhibition frightening off corporate sponsors
By Nicholas Wapshott in New York
(Filed: 20/11/2005)

An exhibition celebrating the life of Charles Darwin has failed to find a corporate sponsor because American companies are anxious not to take sides in the heated debate between scientists and fundamentalist Christians over the theory of evolution.

The entire $3 million (£1.7 million) cost of Darwin, which opened at the American Museum of Natural History in New York yesterday, is instead being borne by wealthy individuals and private charitable donations.

[Caution: blogger rant and personal opinion] Yet another example of "Intelligent" designer's handiwork. (This would be sarcasm on my part). I will never understand why the theory of evolution has to be mutally exclusive from religion. If you believe in God, Allah, the Great Turtle, or whatever - who's to say they didn't decide to create the universe by the rules of evolution?

Ok, I'll stop ranting now.... read the full article if you like at the link above.

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