Wednesday, November 30, 2005

For Whom the Bell Tolls

American Prospect has an epitaph for the Repubs in the wake of Scanlon's plea bargain.

The Scanlon deal has sounded a death knell for the Republican Revolution of 1994.
We could be on the verge of one of the most rancid tales to course through our political veins in a long time. And it happened because these masters of the universe regard themselves as immune, because of all the political capital in their pockets.

But the revolution seems over, and the revolutionaries were right about at least one thing: Their power was momentary and their opportunity was limited. The questions now are, how much did they use that opportunity to help themselves? And how much did they hurt the country in the process? The witness may answer.

In a related vein, U.S. News & World Report has this:

As the Abramoff-Scanlon lobbying scandal unfolds with greater speed, congressional Republican advisers are urging leadership officials to call on those linked to it to consider resigning long before the 2006 midterm elections.

Yeah, better if you leave now rather than gittin' rode outta town on a rail. Besides, there's that pesky EIS on the tar an' feathers.

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