Friday, November 4, 2005

Greater reality

Via the Alternate Brain Mail Bag, Stirling Newberry directs me to his article at BOP.

In the last week the nation has turned the corner on impeaching George W Bush. It has gone from a cry of protest and anger, to being the subtext of what is said and done at the highest levels of government. The tumblers are whirring, and one by one falling into place. The force of gravity is now on the side of it occurring, rather than it not occurring. Impeachment is a Trial by Constitution, and the search for probable cause has begun.

[. . .]

Once the star of impeachment was only only glimpsed in the distance., now the planets are aligning. Inching closer with each new confirmation that the case for going to war in Iraq was a crude forgery - the "Italian Job"'s source is now established fact, not speculation.

[. . .]

Like Gord says, pack a lunch because it's long, but an intersting read on the psychology of the electorate in light of the past tumultuous six weeks.


Okay, I did something here I shouldn't have, on principle. It's my short term memory loss thing and it sometimes gets the better of me. While Stirling Newberry is a good writer, I do owe allegiance to the people in Left Blogtopia (y!sctp!*) whom I consider friends and have helped us to our relative success. One of those people is RJ Eskow, whose insight and support I value greatly. It seems Stirling abandoned his principles about 6 months ago with regard to our friend and, as Pauly reminds me in comments, those of us who do respect RJ have boycotted Stirling and his site.

As you see, I failed to make the connection last night when I posted the above. I also have a policy of not removing posts from the Brain. If I didn't have the policy, I'd be just as bad as Stirling and other responsible parties at BOP. I value our credibility and I'm not going down that slippery slope. Our words are out there and I stand by them. If we're wrong on some topic or another, it remains out there for all to see. We stand behind our words and admit our mistakes. So the above post remains.

So, in light of the above, I offer my deepest and sincere apologies to my friend RJ and assure him I will be more thoughtful in the future.

As for Stirling, this is your first and last mention here.

*yes! skippy coined that phrase!

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