Wednesday, November 16, 2005

If yer gonna lie anyway, best not take the oath...

From Reality-based Educator

Guess what? The oil company executives who testified before Congress last week lied when they were asked if they had met with Vice Preznit Cheney in 2001. Dana Milbank and Justin Blum break the story in the Washington Post:

Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D-N.J.), who posed the question about the task force, said he will ask the Justice Department today to investigate. "The White House went to great lengths to keep these meetings secret, and now oil executives may be lying to Congress about their role in the Cheney task force," Lautenberg said.
No wonder Senator Stevens was so adamant about not placing the oil executives under oath.

Apparently he knew ahead of time that they would be lying to Congress.

Must have gotten a heads up from Cheney's office not to put the oil boys under oath.

Still, you can get five years in jail or fined for making "any materially false, fictitious, or fraudelent statement or representation."

The oil boys should be hauled back before Congress to explain why they wanted to keep these 2001 meetings so secret and why they felt the need to lie to Congress about them.

And Vice Preznit Cheney has some explaining to do about these meetings and the lies surrounding them too.

For instance, let's ask the Vice Preznit under oath if anyone in his office tipped off anyone in Stevens' office that the oil executives should not be placed under oath when they went before Congress.

What fuckers.

That "swearing to tell the truth" shit is problematic for the "oil (fat)boys" since their guys hijacked the White House, huh? Shit, who'da know'd they was gonna get called before Congress? They thought they were gonna get free rein, and they pretty much have. And pretty much will.

After all, despite all the criminality in Big Business in general, the Awl Bidness is the only one that can make it really rough on folks by having a few anomalous "refinery outages". They could bring down Bush&Co in a heartbeat if they chose to, so the powers that be don't dare push them too hard.

It might be another story after the '06 elections, but I doubt it.

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