Monday, November 21, 2005

I'm outta here

I know I've been pretty MIA in the past week and we're heading off to Paris in about 24 hours so this'll probably be my last post from the U.S. of A. I've come to realize over the past week that I (Mrs. F too) need this vacation. I realize how burnt out I've gotten.

Work has been insane over the past couple months for both of us and I think we're finally getting it that we have too many oars in the water. I'm tired of people whining about their piece of shit cars and I'm sick of seeing the Repubs try to pin this war in Iraq on Clinton. Used to be I could laugh at both. Time to recharge.

I don't know what my Internet capability will be in the hotel but I'll try to find an Internet cafe if I don't have access in my room. The last time we were there, blogging wasn't an issue. I'm going to be avoiding the news as much as possible though, so any posts from me while away will probably be sappy, travelogue bullshit, but I'll post pics if I have a hi-speed connection.

To answer Gord's question in 'comments' on another post, yes I'll be back although we'll be doing a little apartment hunting while we're there as always. You never know. Barring a total lapse in judgment from the Mrs. and me, I should be back in a week or so, ready once again to dole out a ration of shit to all who need and deserve it, especially now since it looks like we're finally playing offense. The runup to the '06 midterms should prove to be an exceptional battle and I won't miss it for the world.

So, for the next week (as I have for the last week) I leave the burden of posting to my blog partners who are the best bar none. Thanks guys.

I couldn't resist:

Heh ... moron.

Aside to CAFKIA, sorry about not getting the next chapter of Empires up before I left but I just couldn't get my head around finishing it lately. I'll be better when I get back.

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