Tuesday, November 1, 2005

Impeachment is possible.

From Consortium News

The conventional wisdom - virtually across Washington's political spectrum - is that the impeachment of President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney is unthinkable, and without doubt, it would be extremely difficult to engineer.

But a better answer to Americans interested in holding Bush and Cheney accountable is that impeachment is possible - if enough voters want it to happen.

Say, for instance, 75 percent of voters favored impeachment and considered it a decisive issue in how they will cast their ballots. Would politicians facing such a popular groundswell risk their own jobs to save Bush and Cheney?

Or, put differently, what would happen if voters - beginning with state and local elections on Nov. 8 - rejected every Republican on the ballot? Would the public hunger for accountability begin to sink in then?
By standing up now, the American people also could say to the world that when the U.S. political system went awry - when an administration invaded another country under false pretenses and when the White House winked at torture - the people didn't treat such transgressions as business as usual.

Indeed, if impeachment at least is put on the table, the American people could point to how they demanded accountability from those responsible and did all they could to set things right.

Go read this one. Burn it into your brain and work to make it happen.

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