Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Oh Boy! Another special election!

I thought Ah-nold could appoint someone to fill Cunningham's House seat. I was glad to see this in the LATimes.

SAN DIEGO - Once Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger receives official notification of the resignation of Rep. Randy "Duke" Cunningham (R-Rancho Santa Fe), he has two weeks to call a special election in the 50th Congressional District. Unlike a Senate vacancy, he cannot appoint a successor.

The law allows the governor to tack an election onto a previously scheduled election, so a special election to complete Cunningham's term could be held in June, when a primary will be held anyway for candidates seeking a full two-year term in Cunningham's old district.

It remains to be seen what he will do. In the meantime, I wonder if the folks in that district will even notice they don't have a congresscritter.

I hope Cunningham's guilty plea starts a trend. I think all the (mostly Republican) Representatives that are under investigation and indictment do the same. It's win-win. Plead guilty, roll over on a few cronies, spend less time in jail, and we are spared the expense and delay of a trial.

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