Sunday, November 20, 2005

Playing Beanbag with Body Bags

Marc Cooper on the Repubs' attack on Mr. Murtha:

As the tide of public opinion turns against the war in Iraq, as a conservative Democrat like Jack Murtha calls for a troop withdrawal plan, the response of the Republican leadership is to play beanbag with American body bags.
What makes the Republican ploy particularly repugnant is that it comes precisely on the same day that we learn that the top American military commander in Iraq has presented Donald Rumsfeld with a plan to begin withdrawing U.S. military troops - as soon as a handful of weeks from now.

In other words, Democrats who propose a withdrawal are aiding and abetting the enemy, even though the White House and the Pentagon are secretly drafting a plan to do the same.

I can only give thanks that I don't have a child fighting in Iraq today. I don't know how I would react under those circumstances to the contemptuous, cavalier, cynical and reckless manner in which the lives of young Americans in uniform are treated by the Republican political leadership.

See, the good part of all this is that the Repubs are finally allowing their true colors to show a little bit. Blind obeisance to an even blinder Chimp who claims to have one good eye. The day of reckoning is fast approaching, as the public's vision seems to be clearing at last. Better late than never.

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