Monday, November 7, 2005

"Things is goin' fuckin' (hic) shwell..."

In the midst of a piece by John Kelley entitled

Watch That Pea: What the administration is doing while you're watching Scooter & Sammy

which you should all go read, there was this jewel:

Bush is most likely an untreated alcoholic who is either actively drinking or on a dry drunk. Alcoholics in this position resort to megalomania as long as they have the resources to maintain their illusion, and presidents have a lot of resources for self delusion at their disposal. When they become overwhelmed by the consequences of their actions they resort to blame, rage and destructive actions. Cheney, Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz on the other hand are hard-core ideologues who are willing to sacrifice any number of people to execute their plans for world domination.

They're willing to sacrifice Bush, too. He's nothing. Just give him a bottle of his favorite poison. He'll go away and they can continue their agenda.

Just once, I'd like to see them forget to sober him up. Right before the State Of The Union speech.

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