Tuesday, November 8, 2005

To think about

For all those people who still say we did something good in Iraq by getting rid of Saddam. Repeat after me.

Wars of liberation arise from within, not without.

Being it's Election Day I pose you this question. We all know how criminally bad Dubya and his underhanded enterprise are, right? What if another nation, Canada for instance [This is just an example. I love our Canadian brothers], decided we needed a 'regime change'? Would you welcome Canadian troops occupying our streets after deposing the Chimp; would you trust their motives for being here? Or would you rather we rose up, stormed the gates, and got rid of him ourselves?

Today is when we start dismantling the Republican machine that's had this nation in its grip for 5 years. We either start the job now or eventually someone will do it for us. Yes, Mildred, it can happen here.

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