Friday, November 25, 2005

Use less gas, pay more tax. That's fair...

From the Christian Science Monitior via USA Today:

Buying a hybrid car to save gas and the environment may be its own reward. But for curmudgeons who need extra incentives, help is on the way.

Across America, states, cities, and corporations are leaping on the hybrid-incentives bandwagon. On top of state tax credits, some hybrid drivers now enjoy exemptions from emissions-testing and excise tax. Others even get unlimited use of HOV commuter lanes.

And the mother of all hybrid perks will soon be unveiled: Beginning in January, the federal government will offer a tax credit of as much as $3,150 per car, based on its emissions profile.

"The federal incentives, higher gas prices, and all these other small but attractive perks are tipping the balance," says Bradley Berman, editor and owner of "Hybrid culture is definitely shifting into the mainstream. It's moved from environmentalists and early adopters to energy security and people that just want to save on gas."

Sounds like a pretty good incentive, huh? Not so fast! That was 10 days ago. From AP via KSAT TV in San Antonio:

WASHINGTON -- The U.S. Chamber of Commerce has suggested that the federal government tax hybrids and other fuel-efficient cars.

The chamber said the federal Highway Trust Fund is running out of money to maintain the nation's highways, and that Congress needs to consider new sources of revenue.

Chamber leaders have also suggested billing drivers for miles driven. Their study recommends the federal gas tax of about 18 cents a gallon be indexed for inflation.

Proponents said drivers should have to pay their fair share to fill potholes and fix bridges, regardless of how much or what kind of fuel they use.

So lemme see if I get this: The gummint'll give ya all kinds of tax incentives to buy a more environmentally friendly vehicle that will help reduce energy dependence, then when you don't use as much gas, they'll tax you so you pay as much as a 3-ton SUV so you're paying your "fair share" for road repairs. Is that about it? Yeah, I'm sure the Priuses and Civic Hybrids beat the shit out of the infrastructure just like the Navigators and Expeditions, huh?

Our government is basically a bunch of non-communicatin' idiots!

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