Tuesday, November 8, 2005

Ve know who you are...

Capitol Hill Blue explains the dossiers compiled on U.S. citizens by means of the use of 'national security letters'. Verrrry interesting.

Spurred by paranoia and aided by the USA Patriot Act, the Bush Administration has compiled dossiers on more than 10,000 Americans it considers political enemies and uses those files to wage war on those who disagree with its policies.
Those on the list include former Ambassador Joseph Wilson and his wife, former covert CIA operative Valarie Plame, along with filmmaker and administration critic Michael Moore, Senators like California's Barbara Boxer, media figures like liberal writer Joe Conason and left-wing bloggers (mine) like Markos Moulitsas Zuniga (the Daily Kos).

"If you want to know who's sleeping with whom, who drinks too much or has a fondness for nose candy, this is the place to find it," says another White House aide. "Karl (Rove) operates under the rule that if you fuck with us, we'll fuck you over."
But worried White House insiders say the intelligence gathered by the Bush administration is far larger, more extensive and potentially more damaging than the excesses of previous occupants of the White House. Even worse, it dovetails into a pattern of spying on Americans that has become commonplace since Bush took office.

"We're talking about Big Brother at its most extreme," says one White House staffer. "We know things about people that their spouses don't know and, if it becomes politically expedient, we will make sure the rest of the world knows."

The White House press official did not respond to a request for an interview on this story and did not return phone calls seeking comment. (ed. note - DUH!)

Well, my drinkin' an' dopin' days are over. If I get to sleep with anybody besides Mrs. G, I'll tell! I think I missed being on Nixon's list due to youth and inexperience. I would be positively fuckin' proud if my pathetic ramblings got me on Bush's list. Maybe I'll call the FBI and turn myself in voluntarily. Oh, who am I tryin' to kid? They're regular readers of the Brain.

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