Friday, November 11, 2005

A vet speaks to the Chimp


But there are many things a Commander-in-Chief must be to truly gain the respect and authority that such a designation merits - and you have shown none of those.


Those of us who have served in the military know the rigors of boot camp, the positive aspects of completing that introduction to true mental and physical discipline and the lifelong feeling of pride in successfully finishing those hard months. Many of us have also held a rifle, fired that weapon at another human, had bullets come at us and know what that truly means.

And no, Mr. President, it's not the toy-soldier, "bring-it-on" thrill that your protected, sheltered experience would lead you to believe. It is terrifying. You're scared to death, shoot at almost anything that moves and pray to whatever deity you worship that you see tomorrow. But you would have no way of knowing that - not even through the stories of the sycophants you are surrounded by, most of whom have never served a day in uniform in their lives.


I have nothing to add to this. Go read it.

Link via Blondie

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