Saturday, November 5, 2005

Yeah, real good

(Piermont, Rockland County - WABC, November 4, 2005) - Large signs showing aborted fetuses are now prominently displayed in front of a small store in Rockland County.

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Placed here by Richard Bruno, they are t[w]o large pictures of aborted fetuses sitting in the front window of his business. They are part of his protest against Rockland County political candidates who over see funding that goes to Planned Parenthood.

He added the pictures after someone placed this sign on his window, commenting about their right of choice. Immediately the pictures began drawing a mixture of reactions.

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What can I say? Can abortion foes put up a reasonable argument instead of sensationalizing the issue? I see 'em when I go with the Mrs. to the OB/GYN too, they stand on the sidewalk and pray and shout at the women who are going into the place (a large doctors office complex with MDs of every flavor) though most are there for other reasons. Personally, I feel like clearing off the sidewalk with the Explorer (I just give 'em the finger though), but this is America after all. Too bad the Jesus freaks can't grasp that.

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